I have heard this activity called by other names, but at my school we have decided that Chalk Talk is our common tern. Teachers post poster sized paper around the room with a posted question, quote, or topic. Students get up, move around the room and write their thoughts on the paper. Students can also write about another students comment responding with questions, additional ideas, or affirmations.
I have seen one teacher who had four topics and posted 2-3 copies of each (repeated posters). She also used a laminated paper or a protective sleeve to post the question for the paper (allows it to be removed later and keeps students from marking the questions). Most teachers have students write on butcher block paper with pencils, pens, or markers. I saw another set up where a teacher used black butcher block paper and gave white chalk to be used. This worked out well and gave a unique twist to what had become an average activity.
I have seen one teacher who had four topics and posted 2-3 copies of each (repeated posters). She also used a laminated paper or a protective sleeve to post the question for the paper (allows it to be removed later and keeps students from marking the questions). Most teachers have students write on butcher block paper with pencils, pens, or markers. I saw another set up where a teacher used black butcher block paper and gave white chalk to be used. This worked out well and gave a unique twist to what had become an average activity.
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