Rick Wormeli

Yes, this awesome person was a speaker at my school recently! While I did not get to here him speak all day and hear him cover his many topics, I did get to sit in on a short afternoon session (BOUNUS!! no afternoon classes! Yes, even teachers appreciate a change in end of the day pace). My one take away: open choice projects. This was what excited me the most.

I have always loved class projects as a teacher. Seeing my kids imagination run wild on an open choice project or a tic-tac-toe/menu project (where a variety of options are available to the students) is amazing. I felt like such a proud mama duck when my 8th grade ducklings, who seemed uninterested in class, would light up when writing a rap or making a video.

Don't let this idea scare you. Provide your kiddos with guidelines and rubrics, but leave some choice out their for them. It might just be the most exciting part of your year!
